Bros India Group’s Epsom salt is fine crystalline magnesium sulfate. Epsom salt is natural and organic, that provides plants with magnesium and sulfur which improve plant health in many ways. Use it for household plants, shrubs, flowers, lawns, trees and fruit and vegetables. It contains magnesium one of what vegetable garden growers call the “major minor” elements. It helps to grow the plants speedily, increase a plants nutrient uptake, deter pests, increase flavor of fruit and veggies, plus increase the output of vegetation and improve overall plant health. Epsom Salt contains secondary nutrients. Magnesium (mg) 9.6% Min & Sulfur(s) 12.0% Min. Magnesium constituent of chlorophyll mg gives green color to leaves. It plays important role in photosynthesis and also regulates the uptake of other nutrients by the plant.


Bros India Group’s Epsom salt is fine crystalline magnesium sulfate. Epsom salt is natural and organic, that provides plants with magnesium and sulfur which improve plant health in many ways. Use it for household plants, shrubs, flowers, lawns, trees and fruit and vegetables. It contains magnesium one of what vegetable garden growers call the “major minor” elements. It helps to grow the plants speedily, increase a plants nutrient uptake, deter pests, increase flavor of fruit and veggies, plus increase the output of vegetation and improve overall plant health. Epsom Salt contains secondary nutrients. Magnesium (mg) 9.6% Min & Sulfur(s) 12.0% Min. Magnesium constituent of chlorophyll mg gives green color to leaves. It plays important role in photosynthesis and also regulates the uptake of other nutrients by the plant.


Benefits of Epsom Salt:

  • Since Magnesium sulfate has excellent water solubility, magnesium and sulfur are both immediately available to plants. This fertilizer can be used to correct plant deficiencies in magnesium and sulfur and to correct high soil pH and hence to boost growth of above recommended crops.
  • Mix with water for a greener, lush lawn. Especially during the beginning of the season, when your grass is returning from its winter slumber, add Epsom salt to your watering cycle to return it to its original green, lush state.
  • Use it for preventing a yellowing lawn and creating lasher, softer and greener grass. In plants it prevents leaf curling. It increases creation of chlorophyll and thus generation of food for plants, making plants healthier, more vigorous, bushier, greener and more foliage.
  • Optimum level of magnesium and sulfur enables plants produce sweeter and tastier fruits and vegetables. Also vegetables acquire rich flavor. It particularly benefits tomato and peppers capsicum. Epsom salt boosts nutrient uptake of plants it translates into vigorous plant growth and increased yields.
  • Roses love Epsom salt. It makes the flowers vibrant, deepens color and achieves fuller blooms. It not only adds vivid and richer color to the flowers but also improves the strength of the plant as well; making plant produce more buds and thus more blooms.

Recommended Crops to use this magnesium salt:

  • Grains & Vegs such as Tomato, Onion, Potato, Cauliflower, capsicum, Cabbage, Groundnut, Sugar beet, Legumes, Cereals and Fiber (Rice, Wheat, Maize, Cotton etc)

Fruits like grapes, banana, mango, pomegranate, apple, citrus, strawberry etc. Flowers like Gerbera, Roses, Marigold, Carnation etc. and sugarcane, tea, coffee etc.

  •   has a better absorption rate. When the  animals urinate on the bedding it is only required to replace a small portion of Cocopeat bedding which can be easily identified with its changing color, with urine. Hence it will be cheaper to replace bedding.
  •  Removed used cocopeat with Manure can be re-used directly for the crop production as a soil conditioner in farm fields. Here the cocopeat mixed with manure does not required to be modified by addition of any chemicals before been spread in the farm fields like Saw Dust and Shavings, which incurs an additional expenditure. Hence used COCO BEDDING can be re-sold at a higher price than purchased.
  • Due to its resistant to Bacterial and Fungal Growth it Protect the animals getting caught to Diseases due to bad bedding.
  •  Stocking of cocopeat bales are made easy due to its method of packaging that compresses the cocopeat to a ratio of 2:1 and made it into a shape of a cube of 20 kg and packed in a white polythene cover.
  • This low compression ratio supports the user to de-compress the bales manually. And its low weight (20 kg) allows a single person to handle a job manually


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