
Our   Coco pith is a pre nourished mix of coir fine dust, standard washed, coarse and fibrous material that is compressed into coir pith blocks. It is used mainly in growing vegetables, farming, landscaping, farming applications, etc. Due to its high moisture retention capacity, coir pith is ideal for growing organic vegetables, seedlings, flowerings plants like anthuriums, and orchid.

Cocopeat is shipped in compressed form to reduce transport and handling costs. Converting cocopeat blocks to coir dust is easy. All you need to do is add water to the block and the block will puff up into moist fluffy cocopeat. Just add sufficient water to the block to make sufficient quantity of moist cocopeat. You can put away the unexpanded block for later

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Bros India Coco Peat blocks are dehydrated and compressed cocopeat for easy storage.

Coco peat 5Kg block expands up to 90 to 95 litres of Coconut coir Powder.

Add 20 litres of water in a container and soak coco peat block until the water is fully absorbed.

Our   Coco pith is a pre nourished mix of coir fine dust, standard washed, coarse and fibrous material that is compressed into coir pith blocks. It is used mainly in growing vegetables, farming, landscaping, farming applications, etc. Due to its high moisture retention capacity, coir pith is ideal for growing organic vegetables, seedlings, flowerings plants like anthuriums, and orchid.

Cocopeat is shipped in compressed form to reduce transport and handling costs. Converting cocopeat blocks to coir dust is easy. All you need to do is add water to the block and the block will puff up into moist fluffy cocopeat. Just add sufficient water to the block to make sufficient quantity of moist cocopeat. You can put away the unexpanded block for later

If you need to expand the whole block, immerse the block in a large tub capable of holding at least 25 liters of water. Remove the wet expanded cocopeat that floats in the water, while continuing to add water to the tub till the complete block is expanded.

If you are a large grower who needs to expand large number of cocopeat blocks, place the cocopeat blocks vertically with a distance of about 1 feet between them. Spray water from a hose on the cocopeat blocks while working on the blocks with hand to expand them into moist cocopeat. Another method is to use machinery to crush the block into powder and then use the dust.

If you are using low compression cocopeat for absorption purposes, you can simply break and crush the block into powder in the palm of your hand

  • Coir Peat Blocks is used as a Soil Conditioner, Surface Mulch/ Rooting Medium and Desiccant. Composted Coir Pith is an excellent organic manure for Indoor Plants as well as for Horticulture Crops
  • Mixed with sand, compost and fertilizer to make good quality potting soil. Coco Peat generally has an acidity in the range of pH – 5.5 to 6.5. It is a little on the acidic side for some plants, but many popular plants can tolerate this pH range.
  • As substrate for growing mushrooms, which thrive on the cellulose. Coco Peat has high cellulose and lignin content.
  • Being a good absorbent, Dry Coco Peat can be used as an Oil Absorbent on slippery floors. Coco Peat is also used as a bedding in animal farms and pet houses to absorb animal waste so the farm is kept clean and dry. This variety is commonly know has High EC coco peat.

Based on the Electrical Conductivity, Fibre Content and screening we grade coco peat into two types. They are

Low EC Coco Peat

  • High EC Coco PeaT

EC measures the amount of salt and nutrients present in a substrate. With coir, salt can be a concern and it’s important that when purchasing a coir product, you choose one with an EC level less than . 8

Unwashed cocopeat is the natural raw form of the product, which has a higher EC level. Washed cocopeat has been washed using clean, natural spring water to lower the EC level.

Buffered cocopeat (sometimes known as treated) has been treated to reduce the Potassium and Sodium Chloride levels, and to increase the Nitrogen level. It also has a lower EC level.

Low EC coco peat is used as Growing mediums. Coco Growing mediums over the years have proven itself to be a huge success & have acquired a market share in the Growing medium trade superseding many other mediums performing beyond expectation. Today Coco growing Mediums have become one of the most sorted for & versatile growing medium that can be applied to any variety of plant both in agriculture & floriculture.

The success of Coco Medium can be mainly attributed to its user friendly nature. Even a first time user of Coco medium with not much knowledge of the material can yield the best harvest without any complications when a very simple set of instructions are followed pertaining to pre-planting & watering.

The Medium itself is a 100% organic substance & is free from any harmful matter. This has given the material an e-friendly label. Unlike many other mediums extraction of Coco Medium dose not harm the environment. In fact using Coco Mediums will assist the environment as disposing the medium after usage will not harm the soil composition as it is an organic matter.

High EC coco peat is used as bedding in animal farms. Coco animal bedding is ideal as bedding for as floor layer for animal sheds due to its moisture absorbing quality & soft bed cushioning effects. These bedding are easy to lay & easy to remove & is free from fine dust particles. Our Materials are screened, vacuumed materials without fine dust / additives. It is also sterilized material free from molds & pathogens with no bad odor.

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