It can be used for;

  • Soil rehabilitation on river beds
  • Growing plants and trees on river beds
  • As bedding for animals
  • Flooring substitute, mattress pad or as an upholstery product
  • Making coco plant liner


Coir Needle Felt are made from coir fiber, they are naturally resistant to rot and moulds and is cheaper than synthetic geotextiles. The fibre is mechanically bonded or interlocked to form a continuous length of sheet.  It provides good soil support for years, allowing natural vegetation to become established.  The needled felts have excellent moisture absorption and retention characteristics and form an ideal medium for plant growth. No bonding material is used in the manufacture process. It promote the growth of new vegetation by absorbing water and preventing the top soil from drying out. As it has strength and durability, it protects slopes and help natural vegetation to take root. They have varying densities depending on their application. Over a period of time the eco friendly and biodegradable coir disintegrates completely, leaving only humus.

Coir Felt is used as semi-permeable membrane to retain the coir pith and to give volume to the ready-made coir Eco lawn. It helps in creating a micro climate, which enhances plant development

It can be used for;

  • Soil rehabilitation on river beds
  • Growing plants and trees on river beds
  • As bedding for animals
  • Flooring substitute, mattress pad or as an upholstery product
  • Making coco plant liner


It can be manufactured in thickness ranging from 10 mm to 15 mm.

  •   has a better absorption rate. When the  animals urinate on the bedding it is only required to replace a small portion of Cocopeat bedding which can be easily identified with its changing color, with urine. Hence it will be cheaper to replace bedding.
  •  Removed used cocopeat with Manure can be re-used directly for the crop production as a soil conditioner in farm fields. Here the cocopeat mixed with manure does not required to be modified by addition of any chemicals before been spread in the farm fields like Saw Dust and Shavings, which incurs an additional expenditure. Hence used COCO BEDDING can be re-sold at a higher price than purchased.
  • Due to its resistant to Bacterial and Fungal Growth it Protect the animals getting caught to Diseases due to bad bedding.
  •  Stocking of cocopeat bales are made easy due to its method of packaging that compresses the cocopeat to a ratio of 2:1 and made it into a shape of a cube of 20 kg and packed in a white polythene cover.
  • This low compression ratio supports the user to de-compress the bales manually. And its low weight (20 kg) allows a single person to handle a job manually


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